Carolyn K, from Hoboken
And then… there was Kristel, the photographer who also makes illustrations. Kristel knows me a little better, of course, but knew in just four words where I wanted to go. I had abandoned the photos, but wanted to show graphically what I was not told in photos.
Kristel has a typical Kristel style. Anyone who has seen her illustrations recognizes the hand of the master. I wanted that style… but putting a creative person to work also gives you confidence.
But Kristel came back with three illustrations that perfectly match my split personality. Professional then... ;-)

Dominique S, from Mechelen
Somewhere on a Wednesday afternoon I mobilized my husband and kids who informed me in advance that "hopefully it won't take too long eh!" However, once arrived I saw my boys all melt in front of your camera. The kids couldn't even get enough of it and you had to keep taking pictures of them doing all kinds of crazy poses for the camera. You gave us a very nice afternoon.
And then the result: beyond my expectations! The clothes make the man they say, but in our white naked shirt the real soul of each of us came out! Each photo really shows who we are. And it was for me to do that essence. And you did it! Congrats!

Heidi V, from Hove
I wanted to thank you again for the great cooperation. You took beautiful atmospheric photos at the launch of the new logo of
Dolphin Heart Center.
I will always remember this and you have immortalized these fine moments with great feeling.
Thank you very much for the good cooperation.
Much love, Heidi.