It's party time!
Ikhouvanfotografie.be exists 15 years and we want to celebrate that!
This year we are giving every private customer a free 15-minute photo shoot as a gift!
Indeed, you read it right!
To celebrate 15 years of ikhouvanfotografie.be, we are giving all our customers and future customers a free 15-minute photo shoot for your family or a pet. And this without any further purchase obligations.
After the free photoshoot you will receive at least 15 images forwarded via a personal link. Anyone who wants can choose photos from this to have it printed, downloaded or made into a beautiful eye-catcher for on your wall. The choice is yours! So you can determine your budget in advance, without surprises!
You can find the options in our shop!
Of course we follow the corona measures closely and everything happens coronaproof.
Depending on those measures, you take a longer or shorter photo, with more or less.
I will always advise and assist you so that we keep it safe for you as a customer, but also for my own family.​