Press release : Boomer photographer Kristel Nijskens scores in Los Angeles.
LOS ANGELES – Professional photographer Kristel Nijskens from Boom, Belgium was honored at the 14th annual Black & White Spider Awards in the category 'Children of the world'
The nominees and winners were announced during a prestigious ceremony on Saturday, October 12, 2019. This live online gala is the annual pinnacle of black and white photography and was attended by numerous industry leaders from the global photography world.
The biggest names from the photo industry were allowed to judge, namely: Musee de l'Elysee, Lausanne; The Guardian, London; Contrasto Galleria, Milan; Travel/Discovery Channel, New York; Harper's Bazaar, UK; Portuguese Center of Photography, Porto; Aeroplastics Contemporary, Brussels; Silvan Faessler Fine Art, Zurich; ADK Creative One Inc., Tokyo; Gallery Hubert Winter, Vienna; Conny Dietzschold Galleries, Sydney; and Pereira O'Dell of New York.
“During my professional career I have had the opportunity to judge a lot, this is my first time doing so for the Black & White Spider Awards and I am amazed at the quality of the photos that were submitted. This made it extremely difficult to select the winners. I want to see the relevance and impact of this competition to emphasize. The Black & White Spider Awards have the highest international level.” says jury member Bernardino Castro, Director of the Portuguese Center of Photography (CPF), Porto.
Raquel Duarte, Senior Art Producer at Peraira O'Dell, New York adds: “Unprecedented professional entries, it was an honor to judge these quality photos.”
“It is an incredible achievement to be selected from 6418 entries from 73 countries. says Basil O'Brien, the creative director of the Black & White Spider Awards. “Kristel Nijskens' 'Don't Mess With Me' is an exceptional image that has been included in the category 'Children of the World'. This image represents black and white photography at its finest and we are delighted to give her an honorable mention in this category."
Kristel is of course very happy with this prize. “Just short of a gold, silver or bronze medal, but I am more than proud. And... for the first time I'm happy to see a 'spider'”, she laughs.
The Black&White Spider Awards is the leading international award for excellence in black and white photography. These awards put a spotlight on the best photographers in the world and honor the best black and white images.